Speaker: Johnny Hooyberghs

Abstract: Building cloud-native applications and services that will run in the cloud, both public and private, is an important decision to make in order to achieve continuous delivery, reliability, and faster time to market. In this session, we will talk about building cloud-native services for Azure, using the latest version of .NET. What are containers? What is all this Kubernetes talk? Should you use microservices for all your future projects? How do you manage your data? How do you implement logging, metrics and secret management? Objectives:
  • Learn to keep Cloud Native development in mind and build application using a Cloud Native Architecture.
  • Learn to work with containers and how to deploy different flavors of .NET applications into containers.
  • Learn about container images, running containers and container registries.
  • Learn about container orchestration using Kubernetes.
  • Learn to write, build and deploy multiple services into an existing Kubernetes cluster and configure how services interact.
  • Learn how to enable outside access to your application using the Kubernetes Ingress resources.
Topics covered:
  • Cloud Native software development and Cloud Native architecture
  • Different .NET application flavors
  • .NET and data, configuration, secrets, logging and metrics
  • Containerizing .NET applications
  • Building and running containers locally using Docker
  • Publishing container images using Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  • Setting up a basic Azure Container Service (AKS)
  • Deploying .NET application into your AKS cluster
  • Exposing a .NET service inside your AKS cluster
  • Communication between multiple .NET services inside your AKS cluster using HTTP
  • Enable outside access to your .NET applications using the Kubernetes Ingress resources.
Intended audience: .NET focused Software developers who are new to the Cloud Native landscape and want to learn about Cloud Native software development, containers and container orchestration using Kubernetes (We will use Azure Container Registry and Azure Kubernetes Service to make our life easier). Required equipment:
  • Azure Cloud subscription
    • MSDN subscription with credits
    • Visual Studio Dev Essentials with credits
    • Pay-as-you-Go subscription with credit-card
Required software:
  • Visual Studio Code
    • Extensions
      • YAML
      • C#
      • Dotnet
      • NuGet Package Manager
      • Azure Account
      • Azure CLI Tools
      • Docker
      • Kubernetes
      • Kubernetes Support
  • .NET 6 SDK
  • Azure CLI
  • Docker Desktop
    • Kubernetes enabled
  • Helm.exe
Workshop type: Hands-on.