Christian Wenz
Christian Wenz is an author, trainer, and consultant. His main focus of working and writing is on web technologies and security. Christian has written or co–written over 100 books for various publishers. He works with both open source and closed source web technologies. This leads to the unusual situation that he has both been awarded a Microsoft MVP for ASP⁄ASP.NET and is the lead author of the Zend PHP certification. He is also listed in Mozilla's credits (about:credits) and contributes to several other open source projects. Apart from writing and working on web projects, Christian also frequently speaks at developer conferences around the globe that cover web technologies.
Monday 17th Oct
Web Application Security Bootcamp
According to a study, 9 out of 10 web applications have security vulnerabilities. However in this day and age, there is no real excuse for sites that can be easily attacked. .NET provides countermeasures against most common attacks, and modern web browsers include additional safeguards in form of HTTP headers and other security features.