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Opening Keynote: Build Apps for any Device with .NET and Visual Studio

James Montemagno

What is new in .NET 7 and C# 11

Johnny Hooyberghs

What sorcery is this? How Software uses Dark Patterns to Manipulate Users

Rachel Appel

Getting a gRIP on ASP.NET Core gRPC

Roland Guijt

From bulb to C# — how does computer work?

Adam Furmanek

Running SaaS multi-tenant applications with ASP.NET Core and Azure

Marco De Sanctis

Don't Panic! Security's here to assess your project

Wesley Cabus

Understanding Microservices: a guide for the monolithic developer

Layla Porter

Build Automation Revolution with NUKE

Matthias Koch

Vision in Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services and Applied AI

Andreas Erben

Lights and shadows of functional programming for C# engineers

Bartosz Rachwał

Message processing failed! But what’s the root cause?

Laila Bougria

Working with Immutability and Records in C#

Roland Guijt

Performance tricks I learned from contributing to open source .NET packages

Daniel Marbach

Creating a quantum algorithm using Microsoft Q#

Johnny Hooyberghs

Deploying your JS App Anywhere with .NET MAUI

Alyssa Nicoll

Afternoon Keynote: Microservices Made Easy: The DAPR building blocks

Donovan Brown

.NET 6 features that they didn’t tell you about

Jiří Činčura

Emulating a Game Boy in .NET 6

Wesley Cabus

Integrating your ASP.NET Core application with the Azure Data Platform

Marco De Sanctis

ASP.NET Basics for Experts

Layla Porter

Introduction to project Orleans for your distributed applications

Johnny Hooyberghs

Blazor Components Deep Dive

Roland Guijt

Deep Dive into Azure Service Bus Messaging

Daniel Marbach

Azure Spot instances as your secret weapon

Jiří Činčura

Implementing and Debugging Custom MSBuild Tasks

Matthias Koch

Embedded devices bare-metal programming – easier than you think

Tomasz Jastrzębski

Locks are tricky — let’s understand them by building one

Adam Furmanek

Imagine your mind blown – AIs that work with context, unstructured data, and can be creative

Andreas Erben

The Final Frontier: Security APIs in Modern Browsers

Christian Wenz

Instant APIs with .NET

Tim Cadenbach

Building a software product line platform

Rachel Appel

Closing Keynote: Build Cloud Native Backends with .NET and Azure

Scott Hunter